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1-3 dropper full, or as needed. Allow yourself to start your journey of by taking 2-3 dropper full daily for the first 2 weeks. This allows your body to fully absorb the frequency of the Ormus. From there you can tune in and see how sensitive you are and what you body needs. Set your intention for each take and allow your own imprint to infuse this elixir. If you feel that less is more, then that is exactly the right amount for you to use. Also applies well on skin, as a radiant skincare option.

Please store in a cool and dark place. If possible keep refrigerated. Ideally keeping away from EMF fields or other negative energies. Recommended to take within 3 months after opening the bottle.


Monatomic Gold, Iridium, Platinum and Silver. Naturally Occurring Alkaline liquid trace Minerals.


Purified and structured and distilled water.


Sea Salt from Sumbawa. Purified, structured and distilled water, charged with Shungite stones.





Ormus is an ancient Egyptian tool, here on Earth to aid in the awakening of humanity's crystal clear mind and frequency.

The ancient Egyptians harnessed the power of Ormus for multifaceted purposes. They employed it to mend the physical body, expand the intellect, heighten consciousness, and revive the spirit-body. Through sustained usage of Ormus, they supposedly attained a state of complete harmony among mind, body, and spirit. This harmonious alignment granted them access to elevated realms of mystical abilities, including telepathy, levitation, and more. There are accounts suggesting that traces of Ormus persist within the pyramids to this day, a testament to its enduring legacy.

Ormus stands for Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements. These elements are traditionally known as precious metals such as Gold, Palladium, Silver, Copper, Platinum, Rhodium and Ruthenium that do not react to form metallic bonds, but rather remain as singular atoms interacting with one another through a type of cloudy bonding known as Cooper Pairing. These monatomic elements remain in a high spin state, so they are thought to be 4th dimensional substances, that helps nourish and replenish the body's needs when consumed; rejuvenating the body, energising the soul and uplifting the spirit, to bring about a total integration of the entire being into oneness. In this way, Ormus can be good for supporting healing within the human body on various levels.

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Ormus help boost energy levels in your body, as elements like gold supports greater conductivity which stregthens the flow of energy. It supports the body's energy production, leading to increased willpower, motivation, and creativity. Its influence extends to the nervous system, providing a calming effect.

Furthermore one of Ormus great abilities is to decalcify Pineal Gland as well as all other glands. When your glands are purified and decalcified you might become magnetic which can be an enhancer of allowing what is right for you to align with your path here in life, increasing your ability to step into your highest of timeline and heightened possibility of manifestation.

From a biological perspective, Ormus has the potential to engage with DNA, catalysing cellular transformation into whatever is necessary for the body´s enhanced functionality, and extended longevity.

This elixir contains a potent selection of essential minerals and nutrients. It is common knowledge that minerals have been depleted from our diets through environmental degradation, modern agricultural and food processing techniques, and contemporary agricultural and dietary practices.

Ormus works as an adaptogenic substance, meaning that it works through the bodies needs. It is one of these enfeeble tools, that works on a spiritual depths on the body. So depending on your needs, it will work accordingly.


Ormus's ability to decalcify the pineal gland can lead to a heightened sense of clear vision within oneself.


Ormus might enhance your mood by its ability to support the function of the pineal glad. This small gland in the brain, plays a vital role in producing serotonin—a hormone that regulates happiness levels throughout the body.


Gold supports greater conductivity which strengthens the flow of energy within the human body which may enhance the bodies energy field.


When your glands are purified and decalcified you might become magnetic which can be an enhancer of allowing what is right for you to align with your path here in life, increasing your ability to step into your highest of timeline and heightened possibility of manifestation.


KAMANDALU holds a profound and symbolic significance rooted in ancient wisdom and spirituality.

Derived from Sanskrit, "KAMANDALU" is a fusion of two words:

Kama: In Sanskrit, "Kama" can have several meanings, including desire, longing, love, or pleasure. In Indian philosophy, Kama is considered one of the four main goals of human life, along with Dharma (duty/righteousness), Artha (prosperity/wealth), and Moksha (liberation/spiritual fulfillment).

Dalu: "Dalu" refers to a golden pitcher or a vessel used to hold liquids.

When combined, "Kamandalu" represents the mythical golden pitcher or vessel that holds the elixir of life: a symbol of the pursuit of desires and the quest for spiritual transformation. It encapsulates the idea of rejuvenation, abundance, and the fulfilment of life's aspirations through the nourishing elixir it contains.The concept of Kamandalu has been celebrated in various Hindu rituals, stories, and art forms, making it an intriguing and symbolic aspect of Indian culture and spirituality.

The Kamandalu is regarded as a symbol of abundance, prosperity, and divine blessings. It is said that the elixir contained within this magical vessel has the ability to grant immortality or provide profound spiritual benefits. As a metaphor, Kamandalu represents the quest for eternal life, spiritual enlightenment, and the fulfilment of one's deepest desires.

In some ancient texts, Kamandalu is associated with deities, sages, or other mythological beings who possess extraordinary powers. It is often shown as a golden or sacred vessel, highlighting its special significance and divine nature.

Light / Shadow


Furthermore I would like to mention, when engaging with the tool of Ormus, you immerse yourself in the essence of light and the source of higher consciousness. Therefore, it is crucial to recognise that this journey also requires a harmonious balance between seeking the light and embracing shadow the shadow.

Working with Ormus opens a path to higher realms of awareness, elevating your consciousness and facilitating a deeper connection with the divine source of light. It serves as a catalyst for spiritual growth and personal transformation.

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Yet, as you embark on this journey towards a higher consciousness , it is essential to acknowledge the significance of shadow work. Shadow work involves exploring the aspects of yourself that you might have suppressed, denied, or overlooked. These could be past traumas, unresolved emotions, or aspects of your personality that you may perceive as negative or undesirable.

By embracing shadow work, you gain profound insights into your psyche and inner self. It allows you to integrate these suppressed aspects, which might lead to the possibility of transformation, that support self-awareness and inner harmony. Balancing the quest for light with shadow work leads to a more holistic and authentic invitation for transformation.

In essence, the tool of Ormus serves as a beacon of light, guiding you towards higher consciousness and spiritual growth.

If you are feeling called to embark on a guided and supported journey with Ormus, in coherence with an accelerated evolutionary mentorship program: I invite you to click to bottom below and book a free heart centered call. 

May this elixir be a beacon of light, inviting in higher consciousness, illuminating a path of expanded clarity.

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